Please get in touch with reception – our screening interview can assist you to explore your experiences and guide you through next steps.
The Divergent Edge has a collaborative working relationship with a range of psychiatrists, including telehealth psychiatry.
YES! Our team have a variety of professional backgrounds and offer neurodivergent affirming therapy, counselling and ADHD coaching
Yes we have several experienced facilitators, trainers and teachers on our team, and can customise training to suit your organisation or school’s needs.
The Divergent Edge provides facilitated online group work for ADHD coaching and ADHD group counselling, autism therapeutic peer support and ADHD / autistic creative art therapy groups
We have a collaborative partnership with a telehealth ADHD psychiatrist
A health professional with clinical training in mental health and assessment: this could be a psychiatrist, social worker trained in clinical assessment with a neurodivergent specialty or psychologist, or occasionally a GP (with a specialty in mental health). Assessment processes for establishing ADHD in adults vary, with a range of clinical tools utilised, however the diagnosis must be supported by meeting the diagnostic criteria in the DSM-V.
At present in Australia, in order to be prescribed medication for ADHD, all clients must engage with a psychiatrist. This is regardless of whether you have been assessed elsewhere, as GPs are unable to directly prescribe and treat ADHD with stimulant medications. Gps are frequently delegated authority to manage / prescribe stimulant medications after initial approval by a psychiatrist. The details of these arrangements vary from state to state in Australia.
No, within our team we have several staff members able to provide ADHD assessment. These staff have both social work (mental health and clinical specialties) and psychology backgrounds. The process undertaken by all staff providing assessment is consistent and has received clinical endorsement via thorough peer review from both psychiatry and clinical psychology.
We are a neurodivergent affirming organisation, and all services are provided by clinicians with ADHD. Feedback from our clients indicates they find our style of interview, assessment, coaching and counselling engaging, positive and validating in comparison to many services with a neurotypical focus.
There is much to be done to maximise your strengths as a neurodivergent adult. The Divergent Edge advocates that for most adults, combination of the right medications, affirming professional support for your transition through a late diagnosis, and the development of a host of strategies to hack your executive dysfunction can be life changing.
ADHD treatment for managing your lifestyle, diet and nutrition, wellbeing and career is available at The Divergent Edge.
ADHD affects adults in a variety of ways, depending on your ADHD presentation (inattentive / combined or hyperactive), your biochemistry, your social experiences and the impact of compensation strategies through structured environments, high IQ, or over-management strategies. ADHD is primarily a condition which impacts on our ability to REGULATE focus, attention, behaviours and emotions.
Examples are:
- High levels of chronic stress
- Life feeling ‘unrelenting’
- Difficulties with managing your emotions or frustrations
- Irritability
- Oversharing
- Difficulties with administration, planning and prioritising
- Memory difficulties
- Poor time awareness / constantly running late / underestimating how long something will take
- Procrastination and inertia on tasks
- Leaving things until the last minute
- Restlessness (external or internal)
- Always feeling that you need to be doing something
- Trouble managing appointments
- Losing things
- Over Managing many of the above so they don’t happen